venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Muna's Exclusive Fashion Week Edition - LFW SS14

#LFW 13-17 sept. 2013
#LFW 13-17 sept. 2013 by munascoolture on Polyvore
Ed ecco appena trascorsa un'altra intensa settimana di sfilate per la prossima primavera estate. 
Londra ha esordito con colori brillanti e alcuni dettagli davvero degni di nota, grande attenzione alla vestibilità ed al contemporary chic, anche se forse a tratti un po' troppo concettuale per i miei gusti.
Note particolari: trionfano i bermuda e le gonne in trasparenza al ginocchio, il blue denim e il giallo in tutte le sue sfumature. 
Ed anche qui, come a New York, bagliori di luce, iridescenti e metallici illuminano le passerelle mescolandosi ai ricami ed alle trasparenze, per abiti frizzanti e trasgressivi.

And here's just passed another busy week of fashion shows for the next spring-summer.
London began with bright colors and some details really worthy of note, attention to fit and to contemporary chic, though perhaps always a little too conceptual for my taste.
Notes: triumph of bermudas and  transparent skirts on the knee, the denim blue and yellow in all its hues.
And here, as well as in New York, light glows, iridescent and metallic light up the runways mingling with the embroideries and the transparencies for sparkling and unconventional dresses.
London FW Spring 2014 Runway Look 

London Fashion Week 13 -17 Sept. 2013
Burberry SS 2014
J.W. Anderson SS 2014
Antipodium SS 2014
Jasper Conran SS 2014
Mulberry SS 2014
London Spring 2014 Runway Look 
Da Londra si confermano i trend per la prossima SS 2014 già suggeriti dalle passerelle Newyorchesi: tanta seta, tanti fiori, un mare di bianco, ma anche fiumi di grigio e spruzzi di delicati colori pastello. In aggiunta, tanti colori brillanti, linee moderne e pulite, pochi accessori ma di estremo design.
Stay tuned per le prossime Fashion Weeks. 
Prossimo appuntamento: Milano (18-24 sept. 2013) 
Burberry SS 2014
So from London is confirmed the trend that the NY runways have already suggested for the next SS 2014: lots of silk, many flowers, a sea of ​​white, but also rivers of gray and splashes of pastel colors. 
In addition, many bright colors, modern and clean lines, a few accessories, but of extreme design. 
Stay tuned for the upcoming Fashion Weeks.
Next event: Milan (18-24 sept., 2013)

LFW Spring 2014 Runway Look 

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